Why choose us?

  • Free diagnostics
  • Free consultation
  • Free collection of order
  • High success rate
  • Express data recovery possible
  • No success, no payment
  • Competitive prices
  • Discounts for students, seniors and disabled people
  • Discounts for business partners

Data Recovery from USB Flash Drives & Flash Memory

Our data recovery success rate in the field of USB flash drives & flash memory has been around 90% for a long time.

Our data recovery success rate in the field of USB flash drives & flash memory has been around 90% for a long time. Whether your data is unavailable due to an unknown cause or if you have accidentally mechanically damaged a USB flash drive, our data recovery experts team is at your disposal.

Common causes of data loss from USB flash drive:

  • Damaged USB connector
  • USB disk electronics defect (defective controller / firmware)
  • USB disk Memory Failure Over Time (memory cells defective)
  • Accidentally deleted data, formatted disk
  • Damage caused by computer virus
  • Natural event - fire, flood ...

What to do when you first encounter problems with a USB flash drive:

  • Do not connect a mechanically damaged USB flash drive.
  • If the operating system does not detect the drive or wants to format it, unplug the drive and do not reconnect it.
  • Do not use a USB flash drive that has been corrupted, formatted or otherwise damaged by software, you may irreversibly damage deleted data by further working with the flash drive.
  • Use our FREE diagnostics.

Approximate price according to the type of USB flash drive damage

If you know what happened to the USB flash drive and you are able to assess its status according to the basic diagnostics procedures, you can approximately determine the cost of data recovery services that we provide.

However, if you do not know what kind of symptoms the drive has, or if the data is simply inaccessible, then it is better to use our free diagnostics. We can also handle basic diagnostics over the phone.

- The USB flash drive is not detected by the operating system
- The system wants to format the disc


  • faulty controller
  • defective firmware


Broken / cracked USB connector


  • incorrect handling
  • poor quality materials for noname discs
  • manufacturing defect


Mechanically damaged entire medium


  • incorrect handling
  • fall to the ground
  • pressing etc.


Data is unavailable even though the media is working normally


  • operating system failure
  • data accidentally deleted by the user
  • mistakenly formatted media
  • computer virus
  • device hardware defect (notebook, computer ...)


Possibility of data recovery depends, among other things, on the type of USB flash drive controller, data encryption used by the user, if the USB flash drive is mechanically damaged etc. We will let you know the type of defect and the price quotation after our free diagnostics. We perform data recovery from USB flash drives in our specialized laboratory and your data is always being taken care of by trained professionals.

Confirmation of a defect for your insurance company

Is your data insured? Before you confirm your order, we will provide you with a “fault report” to have your data rescue approved by your insurance company before you confirm your order.

Kontaktieren Sie uns, um eine Erstdiagnostik oder Datenwiederherstellung anzufordern.

Wir gehen der Ursache für den Datenverlust auf den Grund. Dabei ermitteln wir die Möglichkeiten einer Datenwiederherstellung und Sie bekommen einen transparenten Preisvorschlag von uns.

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